Due to the generally increasing prices for real estate, at present one can expect a yield of around 1-3 % for living-and apartment houses and about 3-4 % for office- and business buildings. And this does not include the possible loss of unpaied rents. With the compulsory security of the investment, this is for many investors, above all with smaller investments, acceptable. If one wants a higher yield with concurrent security, one must also invest bigger sums.
Die Pächter – zwei international erfolgreiche Hotel-Konzerne und ein höchst erfahrener mittelständischer Betreiber –stehen für die Sicherheit gerade.
At present HOTELINVEST offers three very attractive hotels with investment sums of Euro 6.5 to approx. 52 million with high yields of 4,5% to 6% p.a.. Besides, the lease yield is secured with contracts and guarantee. The locations of the hotels offer additional long-term security. Because the hotels lie in top real estate towns like Hamburg, Munich and Vienna and are leased in the long term with lengthening options. The tenants – two international successful hotel chains and a highly experienced middle-class operator guarantee the lease.
So auch in diesen drei Fällen: Alle drei Hotels werden nicht öffentlich angeboten. Bei Interesse und für nähere Informationen zu den Details der Konditionen wenden Sie sich bitte direkt an Thomas Wührer.
Compared to other real estate investments in the office area (low yield) or with residential buildings (risk of the empty state or missing rent payments), these are three good examples of the advantages of hotel investments. The reason, why one seldom gets to know such opportunities, also lies in the fact that hotels of this kind change on the one hand fast the owner, on the other hand that such transactions are processed extremely discreetly. Also in these three cases: All three hotels are not offered publicly. Upon interest please contact Mr. Thomas Wührer directly for closer information.